
LLP Grundtvig Workshops

Workshop Reference number: 2009-1-PL1-GRU13-05098

Venue: Jelenia Góra Date of the Workshop: 17/05/2010 - 22/05/2010


Music improves standard of life

Subject area: Other,Health education

Working language(s): EN

Target Group + Translation:

Target group will consist of adults from countries which take part in Grundtvig programme (with a maximum of 4 people from one country). Due to the topic of workshops we want the participants to form group at a similar age. That is why in the process of recruitment, if possible, we will gather adults from one age-group (the same type of music they listen to, similar life experience). Basic English language skills will be required.

Main activities Programme + Programme translation:

The main aim of the workshops is to teach participants how to use different types of music to support everyday functions of human body through listening to music appropriately assorted by themselves. We will show the participants how music can influence body, physical reactions and emotions. We will carry out sample music-therapy sessions.

Workshop Organiser: Prywatne Centrum Kształcenia Kadr

Contact details: ul. Piłsudskiego 35

58-500 Jelenia Góra
Tel.: +48 75 649 41 61
E-mail: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.


Read workshop details.



The target group consists of adults from countries which take part in Grundtvig programme, except professionally active teachers. The group will consist of 15 participants.

The main aim of the workshop is to teach participants how to use different types of music to
support everyday functions of human body through listening to music appropriately assorted by themselves. We will show the participants how music can influence body, physical reactions and emotions. We will carry out sample music-therapy sessions.

During the workshop participants will have the opportunity to learn about the characteristics of music and elements which it consists of. They will learn about the impact of the sound on emotions and human's body reactions. Very interesting will be the part on how to use music to recover from negative emotions, achieve optimal concentration of mind and control one's own body. Training on how to use music in the prevention of stress in everyday life is the main element of the workshop. At the end, participants will try to create their own "musical prescriptions" for various life situations. The course will be based on theoretical and practical classes, the latter using to a large extent different forms of physical activity and various types of music. Participants will take part in sample music-therapy sessions as well.

Programme of the training activities

Arrival of participants to Jelenia Góra, hotel accommodation,
Welcoming dinner
Meeting and group integration
9.00-10.30 Integrating exercises with the use of national music rom beneficiaries' countries
10.30 coffee break
11.00-12.30 Developing the ability to establish contacts in the group
13.00-14.00 lunch
14.00-16.00 walk around Jelenia Góra, visiting the town
16.00- 18.00 concert of Polish music performed by students in Secondary Music School in Jelenia Gora
19.00 Dinner
9.00- 10.30 Introduction to music therapy, What is music, what are the elements of music, how music is constructed - a talk illustrated with examples
10.30 coffee break
11.00 - 12.30 importance and application of music in exercises - session of exercises with the use of music
13.00-14.30 lunch
14.30-16.00 relaxation of the organism by the relaxing music
- part 1
16.00- coffee break
16.30- 18.00 relaxation of the organism by the relaxing music
- part 2
19.00 Dinner
9.00- 10.30 Activation of the organism through music - workshops
10.30 coffee break
11.00 - 12.30 activation of the organism through music
- part 2
13.00-14.30 lunch
14.30-16.00 techniques of calming down - workshops
16.00- coffee break
16.30- 18.00 Techniques of calming down
- workshops part 2
19.00 dinner
9.00- 10.30 preparing for receiving musical performances knowingly - activities
11.00 departure to Wroclaw
13.00 sightseeing Wroclaw, Panorama Racławicka, The Old Town
18.00 dinner
19.00 Musical performance in Music Theatre or Opera House in Wroclaw - self-observation of emotions, behaviour and reactions
9.00- 10.30 Analysis of the performance - survey/ overview
10.30 coffee break
11.00 - 12.30 Awareness of emotions and their impact on the daily life behaviour - lecture
13.00-14.30 lunch
14.30-16.00 practical use of music to change mood
16.00- coffee break
16.30- 18.00 Music programming - create your own "Music prescription" - workshops
19.00 dinner
9.00- 10.30 sample therapeutic session - music therapy in prevention of stress
10.30 coffee break
11.00 - 12.30 Sample therapeutic session - relaxation
13.00-14.30 lunch
14.30-16.00 presentation of "music prescriptions" created by participants
16.00 coffee break
16.30-18.00 Completion of the workshops: summary, evaluation, presentation of certificates of participation
19.00 dinner
Departure of the participants, organized trip to the air port in Wroclaw

All participants must necessarily have :

1.      communicative skills of English language;
2.      sports outfit due to the fact that many activities will  be based on motor exercises;
3.      prepared recordings of national music proper for the country of the participant with the maximum of three tracks- materials will be used during integration activities

How to apply:

For application please fill in enclosed form and send it to us and to the National Agency in your country and  to the National Agency in Poland.
The deadline of accepting complete applications in paper version is January 31st 2010.
The deadline of establishing the list of participants - February 10th  2010
The order of applications, which consists of an e-mail reservation and fast sent of all documents by mail, is decisive.

The maximum number of participants from one country is 4.
With all classified participants we will contact individually by e-mail to set the way of approach to Jelenia Gora.

The participation in the workshop is free. Travel expenses will be refunded after arrival to Jelenia Gora
based on tickets, flight reservations etc.

Centrum Językowe PCKK

Kursy języków obcych

Język polski dla obcokrajowców

Realizujemy też kursy dofinansowane ze środków UE dla Pracodawców i pracowników MŚP

- pomagamy przygotować wnioski do programu

Sekretariat PCKK

Sekretariat PCKK
ul. Wolności 29
jest czynny 
pn w godz. 10:00 - 18:00
wt-pt w godz. 8:00 - 16:00



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