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The objective of the project is developing methods of teaching English language in groups of students in elderly age.


We will prepare scenarios for the language workshops, which can be used by language teachers of the partner organisations. Firstly, we would like to identify the needs of the seniors – why they want to learn foreign languages. Secondly, we would like to get to know the difficulties and obstacles that the seniors have during studying. The analysis of these two issues will allow us to develop English language workshops for seniors. They will consist of 9 thematic modules. Each partner will prepare scenarios and methodology for 3 modules.  In preparing the modules, the partners will use their own experience in this field. Techniques such as educational games, elements of drama or e-learning will be used. The scenarios will be tested on the groups of seniors taught by the partner organisations and evaluated by the workshops participants. It will allow to make improvements to the scenarios so that they match the needs, expectations and possibilities of the seniors. They will also be available to other teachers, who during the conferences, seminars or workshops organised as a dissemination of the developed scenarios, will learn the new techniques of teaching  foreign languages to seniors. Thanks to the cooperation of these three organisations, who have  experience in working with seniors, we will be able to develop effective methods, which will use an interesting and senior-friendly way of teaching languages. The scenarios will be used in the following years, with the following groups of senior students – also after the projects has finished.


FOUNDATION „AKTYWNI XXI” – project coordinator
Wolności 29, 58-500 Jelenia Góra, Poland

Cite Phalsbourg 19, 75011 Paris, France

Calle Altagracia 50 , 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain

All of the partners taking part in the are organisations educating senior citizens

The project coordinator  is  the Polish partner – Foundation „Aktywni XXI”. Communication between partners will be direct (6 meetings during two years) and electronic (regular Skype discussions, created Facebook profile of the project and e-mail).

It is important for us to disseminate widely the results of our work so we will upload the developed materials on partner organisations websites, on educational platforms (Epale) and on social networking sites e.g. Facebook. Furthermore, a poster and a leaflet with the information about the project and availability of the scenarios will be printed. In the final conference, in which local authorities, media and NGO representatives, foreign language teachers will be present, we will show a film presenting the project activities.     

Centrum Językowe PCKK

Kursy języków obcych

Język polski dla obcokrajowców

Realizujemy też kursy dofinansowane ze środków UE dla Pracodawców i pracowników MŚP

- pomagamy przygotować wnioski do programu

Sekretariat PCKK

Sekretariat PCKK
ul. Wolności 29
jest czynny 
pn w godz. 10:00 - 18:00
wt-pt w godz. 8:00 - 16:00



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